Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Making of ISO 9001 Certification Standards

Exactly how are ISO Certification standards made? Normally, they're drafted by a technical committee of experts, who will weigh in the need to add as well as revise standards that need to be put in place. They will then bring their findings to ISO members, who will put their recommendations up to a vote. Once it's approved, then they are added into canon. Otherwise, they return to the technical committee for further study and scrutiny. ISO mandates that current management system standards need to be reassessed every 5 years to make it adaptive to current industry conditions. A new version of ISO 9001 is expected to hit in 2015. Currently, it's at Committee Draft stage, which is basically the first stage of consultations. It wouldn't be a sudden change for companies, though. They will have about two years to get around revised rules and regulations, which means their IS0 9001 certification benefits aren't going away any time soon.


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