Sunday, 29 September 2013

ISO 14001 Certification Betters Your Company By Making It More Environmental-Friendly

ISO 14001 certification ascertains that a company is nature-friendly, and that it promotes environmental awareness among industries by implementing clean and green policies and initiatives. This is going to help the company in so many ways. One is that it signals to the public that it's environmentally conscious and aware, therefore increasing its appeal and thus consumer patronage. Another is it will minimize unnecessary energy consumption and abscess within the company. If there's one thing that is central to efficiency, it's minimizing waste. An ISO 14001 certification will help a company's well-being as well as standing in the global market.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

AS9120 Certification Ensures That Your Planes Are Safe

A lot of people today are afraid of riding planes. This is despite the fact that planes are among the safest vehicles right now. AS9120 certification ensures that they've got nothing to worry about. It inspects airline product distributors based on international standard for quality control. And it is going to be a pretty exacting standard, especially given how planes are comprised of millions of components. The standard scrutinizes all phases of production, from creation to distribution, to the creation of the planes. AS9120 asserts that the plane product went through these conditions step-by-step and passed with flying colors. That should earn more trust and loyalty among long time consumers, as well as new ones. AS9120 assures your customers that your planes are okay and are good to go.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Impacts of ISO Registration On A Company

ISO Registration is sought after by many companies, because ISO Certification is proof of quality management and service, and the registration process itself will effect better results. Since ISO Certification takes time and closely-monitored auditing, the company is going to go through more strenuous and protracted rectification and overhaul. It's going to be pressured into improving its administration as well as output levels. This is going to result to more positive customer feedback due to better service and product. Clients will flock to the company even more, as the process and eventual certification will automatically signal to the world that the company should be kept an eye on.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Why ISO 9001 Certifications Are Worth The Effort

Businesses always involve a lot of work. From talking to clients, to serving the buyers, to the nitty gritty of internal affairs, it entails a lot of maintenance and negotiation. Yet how will prospective clients know that one's company is already doing that? This is where ISO comes in. ISO or International Standards Organization (ISO) is a Swiss-based institution that sets the basis for company and production quality standards worldwide. A company can get certified that it has met said standards by getting an ISO 9001 application. ISO certification brings lots of wonders to a company. It ensures trust of clients, and makes a company further worthy of consideration. It also makes companies improve working habits, since it is such an incentive. Indeed, it is fairly difficult to get one, since the process takes time and strenuous inspection. It sometimes take up to three years for a company to be even considered certification worthy. But the pluses simply make it worth the effor

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

How To Instantly Get Your Business AS9100 Certified

An AS9100 standard is what aviation and defense industries have to get in order to continue operating. It's their main quality management system (QMS) standard, which is set not by the ISO, but the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) of SAE International. To be AS9100 Certified is necessary to remain competitive in the market. Normally, a company has to prove that they meet the standard's QMS prerequisites, before they are given AS9100 certification. There are ways though, in which they'll be able to procure this quickly. One is to study and find the relevant QMS standard for your product. Then, schedule your AS9100 application and put it on calendar. You'll be pushed into getting it fast by working against a deadline. Appoint a lead auditor that will set and plan out your process of application. Then, meet an AS9100 registrar, so your operations will be looked into immediately enough for you to get an early verdict. This all depends on commitment as well as skill.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Making of ISO 9001 Certification Standards

Exactly how are ISO Certification standards made? Normally, they're drafted by a technical committee of experts, who will weigh in the need to add as well as revise standards that need to be put in place. They will then bring their findings to ISO members, who will put their recommendations up to a vote. Once it's approved, then they are added into canon. Otherwise, they return to the technical committee for further study and scrutiny. ISO mandates that current management system standards need to be reassessed every 5 years to make it adaptive to current industry conditions. A new version of ISO 9001 is expected to hit in 2015. Currently, it's at Committee Draft stage, which is basically the first stage of consultations. It wouldn't be a sudden change for companies, though. They will have about two years to get around revised rules and regulations, which means their IS0 9001 certification benefits aren't going away any time soon.