Tuesday, 17 December 2013

ISO Registration: Helping Companies Achieve Success and Maximize Profitability

"We then audit our performance against those standards and procedures, and we have a mechanism for continuous improvement... It's a tremendous tool for training new employees, and for sharing among co–workers our mistakes, which become learning opportunities for all." Dolder is convinced achieving the registration is helping his company grow and thrive. It's annual revenues were about $7 million before the recession. The company has averaged under $5 million the last four years, but in 2012 will exceed $9 million, Dolder said. There are many other companies who are in the same situation and the only way to get out of such a predicament and enjoy lasting results is to implement quality management systems. There are a number of certification bodies like the International Standards Authority that offer ISO 9001 registration for small and large businesses.


Monday, 9 December 2013

Companies with ISO 14001 Leading the Way towards Saving the Earth

Implementing an environmentally-friendly system is beneficial to small and medium-sized companies; it can determine and remove processes that are detrimental both to nature and the company’s income, which can lead to lower maintenance rates. The less toxic waste a company produces, the more it contributes to the betterment of the planet. Companies involved in such a system would get the bonus of good press for showing concern for the planet. There's more to quality ISO certification than just a good title to attach to the company profile: it can help save the planet for future generations. Interested companies should approach agencies that specialize in helping companies move towards ISO accreditation, such as ISA Registrar.


Sunday, 8 December 2013

A Look at How ASIAS will Have an Affect on Aviation and AS9120 Quality

The article further details that Flight Safety Foundation, an independent organization set on promoting the safety of aerospace travel, is joining in the efforts to spread the program to as many nations that experience heavy air traffic as possible. This initiative would have a great effect on global air travel, services, and certifications such as AS9120 certification. First of all, ASIAS uses the internal Federal Aviation Administration data sets and a number of other data to help airlines and governments reduce aviation-related accidents. The system is excellent for lessening the occurrence of incidents in the air.


Saturday, 7 December 2013

Best Practices: Securing ISO 9001 Registration for your Organization

As you seek to raise the standards of your organization, make sure that you similarly understand the terms. You should know that ISO registration and ISO certification are two terms which have been largely interchanged. The truth, however, is that they're not synonymous. ISO certification relates to the actual issuance of the certificate. When we say that a certain organization has been ISO-certified, it means that its quality management system has been audited by an independent auditing body. The auditing process is performed in order to confirm that the organization in question is compliant with the standard requirements developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


Friday, 6 December 2013

The ISO 9001 Certification: Understanding the Basics of the Code

If your organization is raising the same question, it helps to know what the certification is all about and how it can benefit your company. By definition, this certification is an internationally recognized standard for the quality management of businesses. ISO 9001:2008 is an international quality management system (QMS) standard administered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It must be clarified that the ISO is only responsible for developing the standards to be applied. It does not, however, issue the certification to organizations seeking to obtain the QMS standard. It forms a part of the ISO 9000 family, and the 9001 ISO certification is the auditable standard in that particular series. “Becoming ISO 9001 certified means to pass a physical ISO 9001:2008 certification audit by a registrar (a certifying agency),” explained the article. ISO certification is not a requirement. Then again, it is a ticket to improvement.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

Some ISO Tips for Choosing Certification Bodies For AS9100 And Others

Different industries share the same need for producing quality products and services. There are some fields, however, where the need is more crucial; aerospace, for one, has big money and safety concerns involved. Thus, when getting certification, it is important to choose a reputable certification body— a good AS9100 registrar like International Standards Authority, Inc. for example. It is important to remember that getting certification is beneficial to both your own business and your customers. It is not just a matter of prestige and reputation; it is also a matter of ensuring safety, quality, and trust. Choosing a disreputable registrar may just defeat the purpose and even mar your business name outright. Standards are set in order to ensure that customers always get the service they deserve. At the same time, however, they are also there to help customers find the companies that would give them quality work. Either way, it's in your best interest to be certified.


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

A Quick Look at the Benefits of Getting Some ISO 9001 Certification

To varying levels, business and trade have always worked following the principle of equivalent exchange. It was the principle behind bartering, and today, it is the principle behind the use of standardized currency to acquire products and services of commensurate value. In all cases, a deal must leave all parties satisfied— buyers must pay the appropriate amount of money for their purchase, and sellers must offer quality products and services. This is where standards like proper ISO 9001 certification come in. According to the International Organization for Standardization, International Standards such as the one mentioned “bring technological, economic, and societal benefits”. This goes not only for the end customers but also for the businesses applying for the certification.


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

DuPont CEO Reiterates Importance of ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISOFocus+ also noted that DuPont experts take part in at least 10 ISO technical committees that are developing standards for agricultural machinery, fire safety, and nanotechnology. Kullman then pointed out that such collaborations enable the company to help discover solutions to problems with food and energy demands. The interview only highlighted the usefulness of ISO 14001 as a tool for meeting such goals. This is because it sets the criteria for the development of a company's environmental management system to reduce waste management costs, lower distribution costs, save on consumption of materials, and improve public image. Companies that need assistance with ISO certification for 14001 can approach a registrar like International Standards Authority (ISA) to begin the process.


Monday, 25 November 2013

The Differences Among AS9100, AS9110, and AS9120 Certifications

In turn, AS9110 builds upon AS9100 by adding specific requirements for the maintenance of aircraft for commercial, military, and private use. AS9110 also includes ISO 9001:2000 standards and supplements them with more requirements specific to aerospace. It is a requirement among companies that maintain and repair aerospace vehicles as well as those that manufacture aircraft components with the Federal Aviation Agency’s Parts Manufacturer Approval. Finally, AS9120 adds on to AS9100 with requirements specific and relevant to companies called stockist distributors. These distributors procure materials, parts, and assemblies that are eventually sold in the aerospace industry. These companies acquire AS9120 certification to show their capacity to address chain of availability, control, custody, and traceability of records, to name a few. AS9120 and AS9110 are considered fairly new standards.


Sunday, 24 November 2013

How an ISO 9001 Certification Benefits a Language Services Company

When people see or hear about ISO 9001 certification, they often associate it with a manufacturing facility, an industrial plant, a large-scale product retailer, or a global service provider. However, this global standard can also apply to companies such as American Language Services (ALS), which need such certifications to prove their capacity to serve clients in the medical and legal industries, among others. As recounted in a press release, ALS even acquired their ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certifications from the International Standards Organization for the fourth time in their corporate history. This achievement demonstrates their on-going commitment to providing top-quality services while meeting strict standards that are imposed by the global standards authority. The ISO 9001 certification attests to the company's ability to implement a quality management system for translator evaluations, project management follow-up, client feedback, and external quality evaluation auditing


Saturday, 23 November 2013

AS9100 To Serve More Than Just the Aerospace Industry in the Future

According to a July 7, 2013 article in the El Paso Times, the AS9100 standard will be serving more than just the aerospace industry in the near future. The United States Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce is requiring interested companies to certify for AS9100 or to complete a National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) audit. Robert Queen of the U.S. Commercial Service explains: One of the primary Advertisement goals for the U.S. Commercial Service is to create markets and find market opportunities for American exporters. Mexico is the largest foreign market for products from Texas and New Mexico. Mexican manufacturers are now producing more sophisticated, valuable products that require advanced manufacturing techniques and higher quality certifications.


Friday, 22 November 2013

ISO 9001 Certification Helps Prevent Recall and Establish Public Trust

Aside from increasing their safety standards, the company has been improving their quality to adhere to industry regulations, as well. All of their factories are now required to have ISO certification 9001 for quality management, and all of their laboratories now have ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for laboratory competence. These certifications made a significant impact on enhancing product compliance protocols, thereby reducing the possibility of a recall. They observe compliance measures in each step of the production process to avoid excess lead content upon molding, loose magnets upon completion, or any other issue that may affect the finished quality of the end product. Although obtaining an ISO 9001 certification is only a part of Mattel’s overall success, meeting ISO standards has helped the company overcome its setbacks and establish trust with the global marketplace.


Sunday, 3 November 2013

ISO Registration Improvements Seek to Address Various Shortcomings

"Having made the decision to revise ISO 9001, SC 2 began laying the foundation for the work ahead. This kind of revision project generally takes several years. A working group (WG 24) was established, requests went out to nominate experts to participate, and the new work item proposal was developed. Robitaille points out that the revised standards will be available by 2015. Revision has always been part of standard development since the advent of ISO 9001 in 1987, though at any rate, the current set of standards is mainly what many certifying bodies still follow. Given that certain areas that arise out of technological and economic progress may not be fully covered, the revision may address some much-needed ISO registration improvements."


Saturday, 2 November 2013

Streamline Business Operations via the ISO 9001 Certification Process

"Before taking on any standardization or ISO 9001 certification process, it is crucial to understand how it all works. For instance, one does not go directly to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to be certified; rather, companies need to go through certifying bodies or registrars that are authorized to perform the relevant assessments. Aside from complying with the various documentary requirements, companies also need to undergo pre-assessment and auditing procedures to address areas of weakness and thereby ensure conformance to global standards. ISO certification requires periodic audits of a company's facilities to monitor compliance with ISO standards. Management reviews outcomes from the examinations and implements corrective actions to maintain alignment with the standards."


Friday, 1 November 2013

Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification Far Outweigh Initial Challenges

"The slower rate of increase among North American companies that are getting ISO-certified is attributed to the economic slowdown that hit the USA in 2007 and 2008, which had a negative impact on the profitability of the manufacturing sector. Another factor cited is the bureaucracy within companies that leads to confusion about who should monitor ISO 14001 programs. Many companies also fear that when the program moves to “compliance” from its current “conformance” standard, it would be more difficult to acquire the certification, and even more difficult to maintain it. However, industry insiders are in agreement that ISO 14001 certifications remain important in any industry. As Lewis' report indicates, major corporations like Toyota, 3M, and Ford work only with companies who are ISO 14001 certified. In addition, the certification is one of the ways a business can express its commitment to environmental sustainability practices."


Thursday, 31 October 2013

AS9120 Certification Process Upholds Aerospace Industry Standards

"Boeing 777X is going to be the re-engined and lengthened version of the Boeing 777, and is planned to be the largest twin-engine aircraft in the world. Presently, Washington is the site of Boeing's largest assembly plants, where around 50% of the plane maker's approximately 172,000 employees (as of 2011) are working. Boeing is also the largest private employer in Washington. Given the amount of business Boeing provides its assembly host-state, it is not surprising that other states are exerting full efforts to lure the company and aerospace suppliers to enter their borders. The aerospace industry includes not only companies directly involved in the assembly of airplanes, but also firms that manufacture and supply aerospace products and parts. The heavy regulations surrounding the industry require the use of only the highest grade products and procedures with the right quality standard certifications, including the AS9120 certification for product distributors."


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

ISO 9001 Certification and Cultural Adaptation: A Formula for Success

"In essence, one way to succeed is to follow global industry trends without alienating the local market. This also means that companies should be open-minded and willing to evolve, whether in terms of business structure, business practices, or the very standards that they rely on. Upholding one’s business standards can be very difficult, especially when striving to become ISO-certified, but the fruits of one’s efforts can more than offset the time-consuming steps involved. Thankfully, firms like International Standards Authority Inc. can make the ISO 9001 certification process less stressful. ISO 9001 was formulated by the International Organization for Standardization with the purpose of improving quality management practices among small businesses and large enterprises. This quality management standard encourages companies to focus on customer relations and adopt better overall management practices. ISO 9001 is applicable to various industries and fields since it aims to develop b


Sunday, 29 September 2013

ISO 14001 Certification Betters Your Company By Making It More Environmental-Friendly

ISO 14001 certification ascertains that a company is nature-friendly, and that it promotes environmental awareness among industries by implementing clean and green policies and initiatives. This is going to help the company in so many ways. One is that it signals to the public that it's environmentally conscious and aware, therefore increasing its appeal and thus consumer patronage. Another is it will minimize unnecessary energy consumption and abscess within the company. If there's one thing that is central to efficiency, it's minimizing waste. An ISO 14001 certification will help a company's well-being as well as standing in the global market.


Saturday, 28 September 2013

AS9120 Certification Ensures That Your Planes Are Safe

A lot of people today are afraid of riding planes. This is despite the fact that planes are among the safest vehicles right now. AS9120 certification ensures that they've got nothing to worry about. It inspects airline product distributors based on international standard for quality control. And it is going to be a pretty exacting standard, especially given how planes are comprised of millions of components. The standard scrutinizes all phases of production, from creation to distribution, to the creation of the planes. AS9120 asserts that the plane product went through these conditions step-by-step and passed with flying colors. That should earn more trust and loyalty among long time consumers, as well as new ones. AS9120 assures your customers that your planes are okay and are good to go.


Friday, 27 September 2013

Impacts of ISO Registration On A Company

ISO Registration is sought after by many companies, because ISO Certification is proof of quality management and service, and the registration process itself will effect better results. Since ISO Certification takes time and closely-monitored auditing, the company is going to go through more strenuous and protracted rectification and overhaul. It's going to be pressured into improving its administration as well as output levels. This is going to result to more positive customer feedback due to better service and product. Clients will flock to the company even more, as the process and eventual certification will automatically signal to the world that the company should be kept an eye on.


Thursday, 26 September 2013

Why ISO 9001 Certifications Are Worth The Effort

Businesses always involve a lot of work. From talking to clients, to serving the buyers, to the nitty gritty of internal affairs, it entails a lot of maintenance and negotiation. Yet how will prospective clients know that one's company is already doing that? This is where ISO comes in. ISO or International Standards Organization (ISO) is a Swiss-based institution that sets the basis for company and production quality standards worldwide. A company can get certified that it has met said standards by getting an ISO 9001 application. ISO certification brings lots of wonders to a company. It ensures trust of clients, and makes a company further worthy of consideration. It also makes companies improve working habits, since it is such an incentive. Indeed, it is fairly difficult to get one, since the process takes time and strenuous inspection. It sometimes take up to three years for a company to be even considered certification worthy. But the pluses simply make it worth the effor


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

How To Instantly Get Your Business AS9100 Certified

An AS9100 standard is what aviation and defense industries have to get in order to continue operating. It's their main quality management system (QMS) standard, which is set not by the ISO, but the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) of SAE International. To be AS9100 Certified is necessary to remain competitive in the market. Normally, a company has to prove that they meet the standard's QMS prerequisites, before they are given AS9100 certification. There are ways though, in which they'll be able to procure this quickly. One is to study and find the relevant QMS standard for your product. Then, schedule your AS9100 application and put it on calendar. You'll be pushed into getting it fast by working against a deadline. Appoint a lead auditor that will set and plan out your process of application. Then, meet an AS9100 registrar, so your operations will be looked into immediately enough for you to get an early verdict. This all depends on commitment as well as skill.


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

The Making of ISO 9001 Certification Standards

Exactly how are ISO Certification standards made? Normally, they're drafted by a technical committee of experts, who will weigh in the need to add as well as revise standards that need to be put in place. They will then bring their findings to ISO members, who will put their recommendations up to a vote. Once it's approved, then they are added into canon. Otherwise, they return to the technical committee for further study and scrutiny. ISO mandates that current management system standards need to be reassessed every 5 years to make it adaptive to current industry conditions. A new version of ISO 9001 is expected to hit in 2015. Currently, it's at Committee Draft stage, which is basically the first stage of consultations. It wouldn't be a sudden change for companies, though. They will have about two years to get around revised rules and regulations, which means their IS0 9001 certification benefits aren't going away any time soon.


Monday, 19 August 2013

ISO 9001 Certification scheduled for Revisions: Will this Make Mine Outdated?

For manufacturing industries, it is important that one get an ISO 9001 certification, to reassure clients that your merchandise are high quality, safe to use, and eco-friendly. Aside from that, being ISO 9001-certified means that the business adheres to international industry standards and regulations in terms of production process. To keep it from getting outdated, the ISO 9001 certification standard needs to be revised every five years. Right now, the committee for the draft of revisions has already been selected, though the finished provisions are not expected until late 2015. Though it may seem bad for those who just got ISO 9001:2008-certified, worry not. Following the release of the new provisions, a transition period of two years follows for those migrating to the new standard, giving companies ample time to get certified by reputable entities like the International Standards Authority, Inc. So don't be left behind. With the continuous surge of technology, it pays to be


Sunday, 18 August 2013

ISO 14001 Updates & Revisions and a Clean Reputation

It seems that the ISO 14001 standard will undergo further revisions and updates, among which are the provisions for management of natural resources and how procedures will adapt to climate change. While the committee draft was created last April, the new standard is not expected to take effect until 2015. For now, ISO will still follow the ISO 14001:2004 standard in systems for waste management, pollution prevention, and energy consumption efficiency. Those who present policies that cover these can be ISO 14001-certified. To do so, you'll have to get certification services from entities like the International Standards Authority, Inc. Unlike other standards, ISO 14001 isn’t limited to industries or organizations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages individual communities to meet the standards, not only to improve their reputation, but also to do their part to help the environment. After all, when it comes to protecting the environment, everyone needs to do their par


Saturday, 17 August 2013

Patience in exchange for Progress: Getting an AS9120 certificate and other Certifications

The aerospace and aviation manufacturing may soon become more competitive, as machining companies like California Precision Machining and PEMMCO Manufacturing are looking to get into the business of aeronautics. Said companies are reported to be pursuing certificates that will allow them to supply airplane parts locally and internationally. As they are manufacturers and suppliers, they are registering for both AS9100C and ISO 9001:2008 certificates, and an AS9120 certificate to be able to distribute them. While some may say that getting all these certificates is a hassle and can hinder company progress, it is simply not the case. In fact, it will even help do so in terms of company reputation, as well as making sure that said company will not stray from international standards, as these certificates need to be renewed, meaning they will undergo assessment every few years to make sure everything is in top shape. A bit of patience goes a long way in securing your company's best intere


Friday, 16 August 2013

The Importance of ISO Registration for Manufacturers aiming for Multiple Markets

The American Industrial Systems Inc. (AIS) is now an authorized supplier and manufacturer of rugged military displays as a result of an ISO 9001:2008 certification as of July 2013. They now produce military grade rugged displays for use of military and private industry clients. Though there are only a handful of manufacturers certified by the military to produce their equipment, the amount of them that also hold ISO 9001 certifications are even fewer. And to be able to cater to private companies, they have to renew their ISO registration every few years to make sure that they are up to date with standards and regulations. Companies who cater to multiple industries will need to approach a reputable ISO 9001 registrar like International Standards Authority Inc., to renew old certificates and such. Only with the 9001:2008 will a company be recognized for compliance, which is a necessary requirement in the industry. Simply put; no certification, no business. It's that plain and s


Thursday, 15 August 2013

New Mexico offers ISO 9001 Certification Classes for Aspiring Companies

It seems that New Mexico is offering ISO 9001 certification classes. Spearheaded by the New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD), in cooperation with the Mexico Manufacturing Extension. The program, dubbed “New Mexico 9000”, aims to help companies to meet the certification standards to be able to compete with other certified companies. The ISO certification is a universally recognized mark, and many professional organizations worldwide honor it. Being ISO certified involves third party certification bodies, such as the International Standards Authority Inc. These groups send auditors to assess aspiring companies if the company pass ISO standards. Once the standards have been sufficiently met, only then will the certification body deem it fit to be certified. New Mexico’s classes help companies identify elements that need changing so they can meet the strict requirements. It may seem hard to pass, but once earned, a company will be well-respected by clients and competitors al


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Airlines are keeping your passengers safe by getting an AS9100 certification

An Associated Press report published by the Huffington Post indicates that more passengers are likely to survive plane crashes these days than in the past. This was made evident by the recent Asiana Airline's Flight 214 that crashed last July. Despite being almost destroyed, there were minimal injuries and only two deaths out of the 307 passengers. These would have been worse if it happened decades ago, where aerospace safety regulations such as AS9100 certification had not yet been introduced. An AS9100 certification is proof that airline companies uphold the best standards in all aspects of the business. This includes passenger service, airplane maintenance, security and safety, as well as work efficiency and better operations management. It paved the way for improvements in cockpit technology to change the nature and severity of airplane crashes. Issued by the International Standards Authority, Inc. or ISA, it ensures the highest quality of safety and performance to better serve
