Thursday, 23 January 2014
The AS9100 Quality Management Standard for the Aerospace Industry
A qualified AS9100 registrar like one from International Standards Authority, Inc will be responsible for auditing the quality management system of your company or organization to confirm whether or not it meets the ISO standards. The services of a registrar are then extended to a client company or organization after the latter has settled a corresponding cost in exchange. A registrar is otherwise referred to as the certifying agency.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Looking Forward with your Company’s ISO 9001 Certification Program
Getting ready for the 2015 standard will require refreshers of ISO 9001:2008. Nelson notes that several quality management systems (QMS) were reportedly designed as compliant under ISO9001 requirements, when no such provisions existed under the 2008 standard. Instead, the standard mandates the organizations themselves to create the processes needed for the QMS, under the plan-do-check-act cycle (PDCA). The 2015 CD’s subclause 4.2.2 has since stated the application of a process approach to the organization’s QMS.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
The AS9100 Standard: Further Ensuring Safe and Comfortable Flights
Once the quality managements system (QMS) manual is ready, companies then contract external auditors like International Standards Authority, Inc. (ISA) to verify the soundness of the plan and grant AS9100 certification if it qualifies. With such strict demands for quality, it’s not surprising that 2012 was deemed the safest year to travel by air in the history of aviation. For the millions of people who cringe at the thought of boarding a plane, you can now lay your fears to rest., 3 January 2014
Ensuring Customer Satisfaction with the Help of ISO 9001 Certification
At the end of the day, there’s really only one metric that determines how happy a client will be with your product or service—quality. However, the concept of quality has to be fully understood throughout a company, from the CEO down to the sales associates. Thankfully, ISO certification 9001 allows any organization—whether they be schools, car manufacturers and even call centers—to have the same definition of quality so the actions of all members are geared towards achieving it. ISO 9001 is an international quality guideline that encourages companies to create and implement a quality management system (QMS)—a best practice handbook that governs everything from securing a supplier, to manufacturing a product, to fielding complaints from unhappy customers. This standard also requires organizations to devise ways of measuring customer satisfaction to ensure that they are delivering exactly what their clients need.