Friday 31 October 2014

ESD 20:20-Certified Facilities are Guaranteed Safe from ESD Problems

By consulting with them, corporations will know what type of products or technologies they should employ to make sure that instances of electrostatic discharge in their plants are significantly reduced. Moreover, they can also have their facilities ESD 20:20 certified so that their investors, customers, and the general public are assured that company manufacturing sites are safe from static discharge problems.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Be Better: Quality Management Systems like AS9120 Improve Businesses

However, just saying you have implemented a quality management system isn’t enough. It still needs to be confirmed by an independent agency. An example of this would be a thorough AS9120 certification process from an accredited body like the International Standards Authority, Inc. (ISA). This usually involves observation and auditing by the certifier’s representatives over a period of months before you are fully certified.

Monday 27 October 2014

ISO Registration: Prepare for Updated Greenhouse Gas Review Standards

To accomplish these tasks satisfactorily, an organization would do well to work with an accredited ISO 9001 registrar like International Standards Authority, Inc. Auditors from such a company are well-versed in the quality management system certification process and likewise offer surveillance visits as part of continual improvement efforts. Under the guidance of a top-performing registrar, an organization not only gets recognized by an internationally recognized standards body but also gains the continued trust of its valued clients.

Saturday 25 October 2014

ISO 9001 Certification: Time to Dispel These Common Misconceptions

ISO 9001 won’t question how you manufacture your products or render your services. It’ll only require you to document those processes for everyone to understand and follow. Improving the processes is left to the business itself. If any change should befall the company, whether in relation to policy or workflow, ISO 9001 demands that these changes be recorded in writing.

Thursday 23 October 2014

AS9100 Compliance and Other Factors that Make Today’s Airlines Safe

This means that thanks to the efforts of international organizations like ISO and responsible aerospace manufacturers who see fit to hire the services of firms like International Standards Authority, Inc. (ISA) to secure AS9100 certification for their enterprise, airline safety can be regulated and ensured from the manufacturing stage.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

ISO 9001 Certification Facts for the Small Business Owner: Principles

Another of the essential principles of the ISO 9001 certification says that active, regular improvement is the key to a successful and high-quality enterprise. The benefits of an ever-growing company can be pretty overt: flexibility, better management practices, and of course, an improved ability to adapt to changing market situations and new opportunities.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Companies Avoid Electrostatic Discharge by Getting ESD 20:20 Certified

Certified static-free Since the realization of how much damage can be caused by ESD, industry giants together with local government have conspired to create a process called ESD 20:20, which is offered by ISO certification services. This attests that the product was built in a static-free environment, assuring customers of its top quality and functionality. Besides implementing the measures stated above for avoiding ESD, the factory environment needs to be ionized to neutralize static buildups, and the products are required to be stored and shipped in static-proof material. Quality assurance Customers deserve to be confident about whatever they’re purchasing. The ISO and ESD certificates are manufacturers’ way of giving them just that. Where there is customer confidence, there is more business.

Thursday 25 September 2014

A Plane without AS9120 Certified Parts Might Crash with its Maker

For safety’s sake Quality management standards need to be stringent, especially for the aerospace industry because lives and substantial investments are on the line. With so much at stake, plane manufacturers need to go the extra mile to find certification bodies like International Standards Authority, Inc. to conduct an external audit for them after an internal team does one initially. Auditors check for adherence to standards set by the aerospace industry, ensures the parts are traceable, and certifies that the manufacturing processes are sound and reliable. In the event of negative findings, auditors will have to be made aware of how those findings will be corrected or addressed. Only then will genuine AS9120 certification be issued.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Working with an ISO 9001 Registrar to Achieve ISO 9001 Certification

Kraft writes that the critical first step to the process is to familiarize all employees on what the business intends to do. Additionally, employees must be trained on their existing quality management system (QMS). The employees should be made aware of how the procedures relate to ISO 9001. Afterward, Kraft suggests that companies select a certification body. Consulting an ISO 9001 registrar means the companies have a partner to help them achieve the certification they have set their mind on. The registrar can conduct a pre-assessment which will involve document review. It is therefore recommended that before companies ask a registrar to do a pre-assessment, they have the appropriate documentation in place already, such as hard copies of training manuals, work flows or processes, and others.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Revision Measures in Motion for ISO 9001 Standard with 2015 Deadline

One of the biggest modifications to the present ISO 9001 standard is the addition of the Annex SL, which will provide a consistent structure containing 10 clauses as well as common definitions and terms to be applied across all ISO Management System Standards (MSS). Annex SL will be applied to every ISO MSS, and in fact, can already be seen in several of the other ISO standards such as the ISO 27001 which is the worldwide IT security standard. The publication of the updated ISO 9001 is expected by the end of 2015, and a transition period of about two years is provided to help organizations, companies, and individuals ease into the change. The International Organization for Standardization will be giving guidance regarding the shift into the new standard, but certification bodies such as the International Standards Authority, Inc.

Friday 19 September 2014

Slow and Steady: Making the AS9100 Cut Requires Adequate Preparations

A prime element that auditors look for is the existence of a working quality management system (QMS). The author reflected on his experiences of working with a certain company over three months to assemble their own QMS and hone it so that an Accredited AS Registrar will have little problems auditing it over one full cycle. What was key to the QMS’ completion, he adds, was an upper management that was willing to get it done for the company’s benefit. In seeking AS9100 certification, reputable auditing firms like ISA will stress the key components in making sure the related QMS is up to par. They include accuracy of product design specs, risk management, and effective handling of the supply chain, especially when you have subcontractors working for you. You will even have to provide auditors with data on your clients, approval methods, and the employees’ job descriptions.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Small Business Getting ISO 9001 Certification? Everything is Possible

A check of your business model and target markets also warrants scrutiny during the auditing– even customers and clients place higher importance on companies that adhere to stringent industry standards. The article cited the case of a small Northern California printing company that supplies various products to a popular semi-truck maker. The officials decided to have the company certified for ISO9000 in an effort to expand their operations without compromising product quality. Attaining ISO certification 9001 may be the beginning of greater fortunes for your company. According to Callaghan and Schnoll, a company with such distinctions can train employees to be more accountable in the workflow and output, lower production costs, and increase competitiveness in the market, among others. Don’t you think it’s time your small business aimed higher?

Sunday 24 August 2014

What Having ISO or ESD 20:20 Certification Could Bring to Your Company

"Gaining ISO certification means gaining the people’s trust, the government’s, and that of other potential business partners in the industry. It assures them that the company they are interested in working with is more than up to handling the task. Given the importance of regulation for electronics products and their manufacturers, it’s clear that gaining ESD certification is also of great importance. ESD 20:20 certification was made to regulate products made by the electronics industry. After all, unstable and unregulated electronics products could give an unwanted electrostatic discharge to its user (among other dangers). Getting ESD certification with the help of organizations like International Standards Authority, Inc. improves the manufacture of these products and assures the customer that they are up to par with industry standards."

Friday 22 August 2014

If it’s Part of Something that Flies, it Needs to be AS9120 Certified

"Findings An auditor’s report usually contains major findings, minor findings, and opportunities for improvement. Major findings refer to system failures and other things that greatly affect your company’s chances of earning AS9120 certification. Minor findings are issues in which corrective action needs to be taken. Lastly, opportunities for improvement are simply the auditor’s comments on how the system may be improved. Work together It is advisable to for companies to work with the auditors instead of treating them like adversaries. Establishing a good working relationship with them will make the audit process less stressful and will enable you to argue the findings, if needed."

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Working with an ISO 9001 Registrar Help Companies Get Certification

"Since ISO 9001 essentially calls for organizations to consistently deliver quality products while attending to customer requests and feedback, it can apply to any industry— whether manufacturing companies or financial institutions. Since earning this certification requires hard work and effort, however, finding an ISO 9001 registrar can go a long way. Here are tips to qualify for certification: Get updated for 2015 changes The ISO 9001 standard offers a structure for companies to launch their quality management system, but this is currently being revised. According to, one of the most noteworthy changes is the requirement for organizations to be more adaptable to an external approach, which means they should have risk assessment and management systems in place."

Monday 18 August 2014

Achieving ISO 9001 Certification: Preparing Everyone for Your Audit

"If you’re planning to apply for ISO 9001 certification, get in touch with a registrar firm like International Standards Authority, Inc. These professionals can help you identify and make any necessary changes to meet international standards. Once you are ready, your business will be inspected by an authorized auditor who decides if you are compliant with ISO 9001 guidelines. This process can be nerve-wracking, but by following these tips, you can quell your nervousness along with those working in your organization."

Saturday 16 August 2014

Rolling with the Punches on a Continuous AS9100 Accreditation Program

"The AS9100 label is the gold standard for the aerospace manufacturing industry, but like everything else in the world, it must evolve to better adapt to upcoming developments. Genevieve Diesling writes about one such looming change, in her article for Quality Magazine: The AS9100 standard remains one of the most well-known and successful models of an industry-operated-and-driven standard in existence today. AS9100 was released in 1999 by the Society of Automotive Engineers and the European Association of Aerospace Industries and is regularly attuned to marketplace needs. Currently in its third incarnation—Revision C, which was released in 2009—aviation, space and defense companies all have a vested interest in the standard, and many require compliance with AS9100 as a requisite for doing business."

Thursday 14 August 2014

Earning the ISO 9001 Certification Auditors’ Nod with Flying Colors

" There were no real secrets to getting ready—just a lot of preparation work that involved putting all the key documentation in order. It also helped when we were finally able to get the support of the development managers, whom we relied on in order to understand their processes. Any industry professional may tell you that being accredited with an ISO certification 9001 label means you’ve achieved a certain standard of performance and professional reputation. Once you’re up there, however, it is the start of a continuing challenge to stay there and make things better for you and your company. An ISO 9001 specialist company such as International Standards Authority, Inc. will have the capability to gauge you and identify areas of improvement. "

Wednesday 30 July 2014

AS9120 Certified Aerospace Suppliers Get Ready for 777X’s Launching

" “We’re seeing interest in other sectors as well, UAVs, it’s not just 777X support,” he said. “The Boeing supply chain is broader than that, but I think building off that momentum (the 777X) has the most interest.” In any commercial aerospace development projects, obtaining an AS9120 certification is crucial for both suppliers and manufacturers. Aside from becoming globally recognized as a reputable supplier, the certification will help increase customer satisfaction, reduce operating costs, and improve stakeholder relationships by streamlining production and operating system. Any aerospace companies, not just those that seek opportunities from the 777X launching, must consider getting AS9120 certification through accrediting firms like International Standards Authority, Inc."

Monday 28 July 2014

ISO Registration: Improving Product Quality and Business’s Reputation

"A business can create and implement its own operation and management standards. However, these standards may not be aligned with existing laws governing business systems. It will help to get accreditation from recognized standards-creating bodies like ISO. Businesses with ISO registration conform to specifications, standards, and customer expectations in the most cost effective and efficient way. One of ISO’s most popular standards that has helped many businesses improve the quality of their products and services is the ISO 9001. Unlike the previous standards published by ISO, ISO 9001 is the only one against which an organization can be certified. It is designed to help organizations improve their operation and management systems through internal audits and management reviews."

Saturday 26 July 2014

ISO 9001 and Quality: Turning the Tables on Current Business Doctrine

"Turning the Tables Compliance with global standards will definitely involve a hefty investment, not just prior to the certification process but also until the next ISO 9001 certification. Be sure you’re financially ready to tackle this endeavor if it will ultimately mean more satisfied customers. Although ISO has a specific standard for customer satisfaction, ISO 9001 specifies the general layout. Experts say a loyal customer has more weight than several temporary ones since the former has been satisfied with the business’s products and services for years. Studies show that it’s more cost-effective to keep loyal customers than attract new ones."

Thursday 24 July 2014

How AS9100 Certification Helped Build a Fourth-Generation Fighter

"For Lockheed Martin to do business with these companies, it has to be AS9100 certified. In general, major companies around the world require other companies to be ISO-certified to conduct business with the former. This strict guideline on quality standards for the aerospace industry helps them distinguish who’s worthy of an investment. The AS9100, according to quality management experts, focuses more on how a product is made than what the product being made is. This simple concept virtually applies to other industry-specific standards. It gives customers (i.e. companies that worked with Lockheed Martin) an idea of how the company (i.e. Lockheed Martin) will use their resources."

Tuesday 22 July 2014

India Bids to Become the First Government with ISO 9001 Certification

"Regardless of corruption risk, ISO’s open data movement should be strongly considered for a more accountable government. By making more information open to the public, problems can be aptly identified and effective solutions can be developed. Cities can start implementing an open data approach as a demonstration to its efficiency. In a way, governments are like corporations. Both have an organized structure, guidelines and regulations, and resources at their disposal. Getting ISO 9001 certification from services such as ISA Registrar will go a long way in public service. Only then can a government really be “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”"

Friday 20 June 2014

ESD 20:20 Certification Assures Product Safety and Verifies Quality

Certification implies that the manufacturer has been educated, trained, and therefore eligible to produce quality products. There are stringent requirements to be met and rigorous testing to be done when applying for certification. When a company is able to fulfill those prerequisites, their niche market can confidently purchase their goods. The increased sales opportunities and reduced liabilities definitely make certification a worthwhile investment.

Enterprises who wish to obtain the ANSI/ESD s20.20 certification should seek ISO certification services from recognized certifying bodies like International Standards Authority, Inc. Accredited by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board, the registrar can verify the product’s quality, which will be recognized globally.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Better Standards like AS9120 are Needed in Aviation Now More than Ever

AS9120 is an extension of the ISO 9001 management system designed by the International Organization for Standardization, the major difference being that AS9120 is specifically designed for airplane parts distributors. This management system is rather holistic in nature since it covers various aspects of quality control on airplane parts, including employee training, risk assessment, and traceability of defective parts. Meeting all of these safety requirements entails a lot of work on the part of the distributors, which is why obtaining an AS9120 certification is no easy task. Their effort won’t go to waste, though, since accredited distributors automatically have an edge over their competitors.

Monday 16 June 2014

A Better ISO Registration System Awaits Developing Companies in 2015

ISO standards, including the registration process, are bound to be revised at least once every five years. Revisions are necessary to cope with the ever changing demands and laws that delimit the market. A draft of the revised standards is often shown to the public prior to implementation to allow companies planning to get certification from an authorized ISO 9001 registrar to have a glimpse of the potential requirements, which in turn will help hasten the certification process.

Certification bodies like the International Standards Authority are the first ones to be influenced by the major changes in the upcoming revised ISO 9001. For businesses planning to get certification from any of them, it’s crucial to be well-oriented on the developments in the standards before registering or being accredited. For certain, all these changes will apply to the registration process and to the rules governing the maintenance of the certification.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Businesses Need ISO 9001 Certification for Better Operation and Yield

Aligning business processes with a certain set of accepted standards does not only improve the quality of the products or services but also streamlines the entire business operation, smoothing out factors that affect efficiency. From raw material choice and machinery operation to quality assurance and product distribution, observing standards like 9001 ISO can ensure that the consumers will get safe and first-class products and services. This also helps the consumers easily distinguish high-quality products from poor-quality ones.

An ISO 9001 certificate can be obtained from an authorized certification body, such as the International Standards Authority. Choosing the right certification body is a great addition to the credibility that the certificate can bring to a business. Company owners should take note that even accreditation services requires strict compliance with a certain set of standards to ensure that the certificate will only be awarded to deserving applicants.

Thursday 12 June 2014

After ISO 9001, Does Your Business Still Need AS9100 Certification?

Normally, ISO 9001 certification is already a significant step in reputation. However, its broad range of quality management guidelines make it less suitable to tackle industry-specific issues. Think of it as comparing apples and oranges. Making aircraft parts is different from designing state-of-the-art medical equipment.

For businesses in industries with localized standards, certification in this field is an advantage. Adequate AS9100 certification from services like ISA Registrar can make a business an authority in aerospace quality management. Customers will likely put more faith in a business specializing in a field.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

ISO 9001 Certification in an Industry with Its Own Set of Standards

Global and industry-specific standards are rarely a requirement. A business can choose not to be certified, but it will lose out on the benefits of certification, such as a stamp of approval that customers look for. Businesses know this better than anyone, which is why streamlining work processes and systems are part of quality management.

Ask yourself this: “Are you willing to go the distance? Are you happy with the things as they are now?” As a business owner, you can never have insufficient room for improvement; recyclers exemplify that principle. Go the extra mile by being certified beyond industry-specific standards. Apply for ISO certification for 9001 standard by certification agencies like ISA Registrar.

Thursday 29 May 2014

ESD 20:20 Standards: Prevent Problems Caused By Static Discharges

The principles of ESD 20:20 can be integrated into the company’s existing Quality Management System (QMS). The additional fulfillment of requirements for ISO certification shows commitment on the part of the company to maintain and even improve standards. The measures consequently provide several benefits. Complying with the ESD 20:20 will help prevent malfunctions caused by electrostatic discharges. Also, by meeting industry standards, the company is encouraged to improve on its product quality, which will assure and enhance customer satisfaction with the brand and the services. Business owners should consult with accrediting agencies like the International Standards Authority (ISA) on how to integrate ESD 20:20 into the current international standards certification schemes.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

The Importance of an AS9120 Certification for an Aerospace Company

Product quality and customer satisfaction pave the way for business success. Progressive and highly competitive companies dare to up the ante by setting up quality systems within their organizations for the purpose of getting themselves audited by certified assessors, such as the respected International Standards Authority, Inc (ISA, Inc.), for its issuance of ISO certifications. The AS9120 certification, for instance, outlines the fulfillment of standards under its Quality Management System (QMS) for aerospace product distributors to ensure that parts, materials, and assemblies are manufactured according to internationally accepted benchmarks for product safety and reliability.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Meeting Standards: A Quick Overview of the ISO Registration Process

Within the process of ISO registration lies the complex work of moving all measurable production and management systems up to standards. When exactly does the registration process begin? Chris Anderson of, clarifies: “The ISO Registration Process comes after your company’s ISO 9001 audit. The purpose of registering your company is to show that you’ve met the requirements.”

Businesses looking to register their companies need to go through several steps to ensure a smooth ISO 9001 registration. Here’s a quick step-by-step overview of the entire process.

Friday 23 May 2014

The Lowdown on the Renowned ISO 9001 Company Management Certification

Many companies that seek a surer footing in the international arena begin to seek the prestigious ISO 9001 certification issued by the International Standards Organization (ISO). How do companies qualify for this sought-after designation?

 If a company is excellently run, the 9001’s QMS can even enable any company to achieve efficiency levels close to perfection. As the processes improve and become more consistent, the results become predictably better in terms of cash flow, productive employees, and happier customers.

Incredible perks do await every company that successfully gets itself certified. Work on quality management and then begin the process of accreditation by calling reliable auditing firms, such as International Standards Authority (ISA) to direct your company towards measurable growth, effectiveness, and profitability.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

An AS9100 Certification Can Help Your Organization in Numerous Ways

British IT firm Xchanging plc recently achieved the much-coveted AS9100 certification. The company made its achievement public in a recent press release posted on the company website dated April 8, 2014.

If you are seeking AS9100 certification for your company, there are three options available to you: Perform the necessary steps to certification on your own, use documentation and training programs to train your organization, or hire an ISO consultant to complete the entire certification process with you. In any case, once your quality management system is implemented, you’ll need to have it audited by an AS9100 registrar like International Standards Authority, Inc.

Monday 19 May 2014

ISO 9001 Certification: What It Means for Your Business’ Reputation

Since 1987, the ISO 9001 standard has been recognized internationally as the basis of a well-managed, customer-focused business system. For companies that have achieved certification, the benefits are numerous, including cost savings, enhanced customer satisfaction, access to new markets, increased market share, and environmental benefits.

Page added that the certification is “another means to demonstrate to our customers that we will continuously adhere to a high set of standards, whether it’s in our quality management system or our environmental programs.” If your company’s vision is similar to that of ORAU, it will greatly benefit from an ISO 9001 certification, as well.

Firms like International Standards Authority, Inc. are accredited ISO certification 9001 registrars. Talk to their representatives to learn more about the process and what it can mean for your business.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Complying With ESD 20:20 Requirements Helps Protect Medical Devices

Several technology companies fabricating different parts of these important medical devices should at least have a quality management system that complies with the global standards. An example of this is the ESD 20:20 Certification, which is especially important to reduce the risks of electrostatic discharge. They should be able to execute and produce top quality components because every machine is dependent on them. A faulty element can only result to a faulty device.

There are numerous ISO certification groups, like International Standards Authority, Inc., who are vocal about giving program recognition for excellent business processes that improve all stages of production and assembly. Qualifying for these programs raises the level of competency of manufacturing companies, as well as heightens the value of their business processes, management systems and overall performance of their employees. Moreover, it helps remove component failures, enabling them to save time and money, and to increase customer satisfaction.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

An AS9120 Certification Is An Emblem of Reliability and Competence

Companies’ products and services within the airspace industry must be able to meet critical requirements and adhere to strict rules and regulations, so they can eliminate any underlying safety issues that could affect their customers. Furthermore, they should also consider their products’ end-of-life cycle, as well as resilient design, efficient system, metal recycling, among others. One such move to ensure that companies are fully compliant and in good security standing is by applying for an AS9120 certification.

More than having an internationally recognized quality management system, AS9120 certified companies stand out from the rest because they show the world that they are well-adapted in meeting society’s needs for aviation. Being certified opens up more opportunities to connect and network with like-minded businesses to boost their respective industry’s growth. This way, companies can be sure that their partners complement and fulfill the conditions they provide, guaranteeing superior quality and service all the way.

Sunday 20 April 2014

9001:2015 ISO Registration Requirements Favor Lean Organizations

The close resemblance of the new QMS standard to lean practices reveals that organizations that want to pass the 9001:2015 ISO registration requirements can look into building lean right into their QMS. Admittedly, this may not be an ideal solution for every company, but it does present a viable option that also brings several other benefits to the table with it.

Aside from making meeting compliance with a certified ISO 9001 registrar, like International Standards Authority, easier, lean’s focus on waste reduction at every level of the business ultimately benefits companies’ bottom lines. Also, by defining the value of their products and services against what a customer is willing to pay for, organizations can maintain a customer-focused perspective for less work, and without detracting from the quality of their product.

Friday 18 April 2014

How Organizations Can Benefit from ISO 9001 Standards Integration

When applied in this way, the 9001 ISO requirements stop being a burden to businesses, and instead become a game plan for success. It also makes the certification process go more smoothly, because companies no longer need to “invent” the paperwork needed to show compliance when certification companies like International Standard Authority come over to assess them. Instead, that documentation, which is created as part of day-to-day business activities, can readily be sourced as soon as it is needed.

The benefits of intrinsically integrating 9001 standards into the organization are clear. What remains is for organizations to take a serious look at these benefits and ask themselves, “Do we really want to improve our business and the quality of our end products?” and “Do we want to find areas for improvement that will result in better performance and allow us to dominate our competition?”

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Soaring to New Heights—What an AS9100 Certification Can Do for You

Often, completing an Aerospace Quality Management Audit is not a choice, but rather, a necessity to be considered a qualified supplier in the aerospace industry. As such, AS9100 compliance helps open up global markets and overcome trade barriers.

An Aerospace Quality Management Standard AS9100 certification is proof of your company’s credibility and commitment to quality. If you want to obtain this type of certification, an established registrar like International Standards Authority, Inc. will be able to help.

Monday 14 April 2014

Spending on an ISO 9001 Certification to Save More Money in the Future

With several groups offering ISO certification 9001, it is crucial to look for one that employs a service-oriented, value-added attitude and is in line with the long term growth of their clients. Reputable certification bodies like the International Standards Authority that utilize qualified and seasoned auditors, are excellent choices.

Getting certified is one of the most vital investments a company should make. It is an investment that will surely bear fruit for many years to come.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

The ESD 20:20 Stamp of Approval: Preventing Electrostatic Discharge

An ISO certification company like ISA can work with you to stamp out ESD flow. The work is primarily based on ensuring compliance with guidelines stated under ANSI/ESD20.20. They include transporting ESD-sensitive material in static-resistant containers and installing ionization systems in non-conductive locations, such as testing stations for circuit boards. The floors themselves must not be conductive as well.

Protecting your plant from bursts of static electricity is essential to safeguarding your machines and your employees. A few excess volts mean the difference between a successful production order and big replacement expenses.

Monday 24 March 2014

Using AS9120 Accreditation to further unmask counterfeits in stock

The danger of counterfeits ending up in the assembly line and onto the finished product is already one instance too dreadful for any manufacturer to think about. Considering that the authorities are running into some hurdles to shut down the flow of counterfeit goods before they enter the country, the challenge to comb inventory for bad seeds makes for wasted time among manufacturer personnel.

When your firm is also worried about fakes mixed with stuff from legitimate vendors, you must ramp up your quality controls with help from AS9120 accreditors like the International Standards Authority, Inc. (ISA).

Saturday 22 March 2014

Interoperability May Make Hospitals Eligible for ISO Registration

Advocates of interoperability, like the Center for Medical Interoperability, estimates that a unified system can save the healthcare sector around $30 billion a year. It’s costly, yes, but nothing that the industry won’t be able to recoup in a matter of years with savings generated from complying with standards.

Conformity assessment, in this case, may put facilities a step closer to eligibility in the ISO 9001 registration process. Certification services like International Standards Authority will look closely into this to make sure the interoperable system is compliant with standards.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Toyota’s Recovery Plan Hinges on Critical ISO 9001 Quality Principle

Standards experts tout Toyoda’s approach to business as a prime example of a key principle in quality management. The carmaker compares it to the concept of “kaizen,” but ISO 9001 standard directly calls it “continual improvement.” Since the principle’s inception during World War II, Toyota has stayed faithful to their form of continual improvement and remains to do so to this day.

Much like the kaizen philosophy, continual improvement puts stress on constant development of existing products and services. This can be achieved by constantly honing workers’ skills to be able to maintain the rate of improvement and react decisively to sudden problems the moment they appear.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Guardian Angels in the Sky: AS9100 Certification Assures Safer Travels

The article also stated that other measures were put in effect in an effort to protect passengers of different airlines, such as an encouragement for code-sharing when customers book their travel via a regional partner and an increase in flight hours for pilots-to-be.

As much as the government pushes for the increased safety on these airlines, it becomes all the more important that every agency and individual involved in the airline industry work in the highest standards. Different companies can achieve this by getting AS9100 certification.

Sunday 16 March 2014

How an ISO 9001 Certification Upgrades the Quality of your Business

What started as a small machine shop has now emerged to become a full-service custom fabrication facility, certified to meet its customers’ requirements and needs. In an ever-changing market, maintaining and constantly revolutionizing standards are essential to attaining the desired results.

The achievement of obtaining the coveted ISO certification 9001, according to Accurate Companies president Aaron Kamins, “demonstrates Accurate Perforating’s and Accurate Metal Fabricating’s commitment to uphold the highest quality standards.” Furthermore, he stated that “this achievement reflects and recognizes our employees’ commitment and hard work to manufacture only to the highest quality and performance.” As a result, more of the company’s clients can rest assured that they are receiving optimal value for their money.

Friday 14 March 2014

ESD 20:20 Certification for Safety and Quality in Electronic Systems

ESD is why many industry giants like IBM and Lockheed Martin necessitate their subcontractors to have ESD 20:20 certification. The ESD 20:20 is an ESD control program standard created by the ESD Association. Companies engaging in these industries are required to secure this international standard certification to be more competent in their field.

Part of the standardization program among almost all international companies around the globe is the ISO certification. Having one is a plus for a company competing internationally. Hence, it is only imperative to secure an ISO certification from authorities on international standards like the International Standards Authority, Inc.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

AS9120 Certification is a Competency Badge in the Aerospace Industry

Speaking of competency, one important thing to consider is AS9120 certification. The AS9120 is the international standard committed to the improvement and assurance of integrity of the aerospace industry. This standard differs from the AS9100 (also a global aerospace standard); AS9120 is a standard for stockist distributors.

AS9120 certification services from certification parties like International Standards Authority are for companies selling and distributing aircraft parts and materials. The standard requires strict compliance with ISO9001, so AS9120-certified companies are also ISO9001 certified.

Monday 10 March 2014

ISO Registration Process Will Help Small Businesses Grow Much Faster

Despite the comforting news, small businesses should consider consultation with a reliable ISO 9001 registrar like International Standards Authority. There are some reasons why small businesses should consider making the leap.

First, ISO 9001 certification assures clients that a company is optimized to meet the needs of the industry it belongs to. A company certified as per global standards will attract a number of potential clients toward it.

Saturday 8 March 2014

High Growth Companies Have a Lot to Earn From ISO 9001 Certification

The two Harvard professors are banking on these high-growth firms’ experience and desire for growth to propel the American economy to a much better standing. These high-growth firms, many of which are in the basic industries like food services and construction, are sure to play a bigger role in the future.

These corporations can benefit a lot from ISO 9001 certification. ISO certification is meant to assess the company’s management principles on several factors. These companies will be thoroughly assessed for customer relations, leadership, system approaches to areas of need, and continual improvement among other things.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Gaining Proper AS9100 Certification Helps Keep Airline Travelers Safe

AS9100 is similar to the ISO 9001 certification, except that the former has additional guidelines specific to the aerospace industry. These guidelines tend to focus on the quality of factors like configuration management and design with the goal of achieving maximum aviation safety.

If you are interested in learning more about AS9100, do not hesitate to call AS9100 certification experts like International Standards Authority, Inc. Not only can they teach you the requirements for certification, these experts can also help provide solutions that help you achieve them.

Monday 3 March 2014

The Advantages of Immediate ISO 9001 Certification for Businesses

Another advantage businesses enjoy is access to a wider market. More people are inclined to work with or hire a business known for its high-quality work. Nothing says high quality like an ISO 9001 certification seal. Sometimes, businesses can even win government contracts because they are ISO 9001 certified.

If you are interested in becoming an ISO-certified business, do not hesitate to contact ISO 9001 certification auditors like International Standards Authority, Inc. These professionals can help you reach the strict standards for faster ISO 9001 certification.

Friday 28 February 2014

ESD 20:20 Certification Can Prevent Costly, Dangerous Vehicle Mishaps

The article also advises readers on how to avoid the build up of static electricity to prevent the combustion of gas at the pump. More importantly, it gives a renewed importance for electronic components to expertly handle static discharges and for ESD 20:20 certification to take on a more central role in electronics in general.

Static electricity is a natural phenomenon that occurs when two materials rub off against each other. Different layers of clothes and the seat of a car are some sources of potential static charges. Static electricity is highly harmful for industries like the automotive and gas, as these industries deal with highly flammable materials. A single static spark can cause a costly fire.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Change of Focus for Aerospace Industry Changes AS9120 Significance

These facts bring a heightened importance to the quality of commercial aerospace components and the AS9120 certification process. While there is a growing trend of more people using gadgets during takeoff or landing, it becomes all the more important for the implements inside the plane to be tried and tested. From the production to the transport process, these components must remain up-to-date to cater to the ever-changing personality of a commercial flier.

The aerospace industry will definitely have more time on their hands to improve commercial aviation for everyone, and proper use of AS9120 certification will definitely go a long way for the industry. Interested companies involved in aviation can consult agencies like International Standards Authority, Inc for more details.

Monday 24 February 2014

Passing the ISO Registration Process is Your Ticket to Further Success

Understanding the ISO registration process will make it easier for employees and managers to know exactly how can they contribute to make the company they work with become ISO certified. It’s important to note that everyone who serves the organization ought to do his or her part to help it secure the certification. After all, ensuring that the clients are given good quality of service must be the goal of not just one but everyone.

Once a company or organization passes the ISO 9001 registration process with the help of bodies like International Standards Authority, Inc, it can then reap the many benefits that compliance brings. For one, it can improve its existing client relations just as it can take advantage of newly opened up opportunities to establish new business relationships. It can also expect a substantial increase in its financial resources, thanks to its expressed commitment to satisfy its clients’ requirements and improve the efficiency of its operations, among others.

Friday 21 February 2014

Obtaining an ISO 9001 Certification Benefits The Business & Its People

ISO 9001:2008, by definition, is part of the ISO 9000 family that details the requirements of a quality management system designed to help companies and organizations meet the exacting demands of their clients. The standards that such companies need to meet to obtain an ISO 9001 certificate also require them to ensure that the quality of service they extend is consistently honed for the better. The ISO 9001 certification does not discriminate against the size and industry of a company or organization who seeks to earn the honor of having it.

Preparing the company or organization to pass the quality management system standards laid down by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) requires the cooperation of every individual who serves for it. That means the employees, including management, must do their part to display their commitment to comply with the standards. Their contributions to gain certification include, but are not limited, to attending training seminars, representing the company or organization, and streamlining the current operations.

Thursday 23 January 2014

The AS9100 Quality Management Standard for the Aerospace Industry

The AS9100 quality management standard, prepared by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), details the supplementary requirements to the ISO 9001:2000, which those in the aerospace industry must meet in order to obtain certification. Simply known as the AS9100, it actually stands for Aerospace Basic Quality System Standard. It was conceived after it was realized that the aerospace industry had expectations not covered by the earlier version of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.

A qualified AS9100 registrar like one from International Standards Authority, Inc will be responsible for auditing the quality management system of your company or organization to confirm whether or not it meets the ISO standards. The services of a registrar are then extended to a client company or organization after the latter has settled a corresponding cost in exchange. A registrar is otherwise referred to as the certifying agency.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Looking Forward with your Company’s ISO 9001 Certification Program

Quality control insiders and veteran ISO 9001 label holders may be having mixed receptions about the proposed revision to the standards. The project has been underway since June 2012, and the CD was released to interested parties in April 2013. Since December 2012, the ISO has geared for comments and a ballot vote on the draft International Standard in March 2014. The ISO is looking at the final publication of the ISO 9001:2015 standard in September 2015. For a company or organization looking ahead to the future under the 2015 standard, they will need an ISO 9001 certification service like the International Standards Authority Inc to steer them in the right direction.

Getting ready for the 2015 standard will require refreshers of ISO 9001:2008. Nelson notes that several quality management systems (QMS) were reportedly designed as compliant under ISO9001 requirements, when no such provisions existed under the 2008 standard. Instead, the standard mandates the organizations themselves to create the processes needed for the QMS, under the plan-do-check-act cycle (PDCA). The 2015 CD’s subclause 4.2.2 has since stated the application of a process approach to the organization’s QMS.

Sunday 5 January 2014

The AS9100 Standard: Further Ensuring Safe and Comfortable Flights

Once the quality managements system (QMS) manual is ready, companies then contract external auditors like International Standards Authority, Inc. (ISA) to verify the soundness of the plan and grant AS9100 certification if it qualifies. With such strict demands for quality, it’s not surprising that 2012 was deemed the safest year to travel by air in the history of aviation. For the millions of people who cringe at the thought of boarding a plane, you can now lay your fears to rest.

Friday 3 January 2014

Ensuring Customer Satisfaction with the Help of ISO 9001 Certification

At the end of the day, there’s really only one metric that determines how happy a client will be with your product or service—quality. However, the concept of quality has to be fully understood throughout a company, from the CEO down to the sales associates. Thankfully, ISO certification 9001 allows any organization—whether they be schools, car manufacturers and even call centers—to have the same definition of quality so the actions of all members are geared towards achieving it. ISO 9001 is an international quality guideline that encourages companies to create and implement a quality management system (QMS)—a best practice handbook that governs everything from securing a supplier, to manufacturing a product, to fielding complaints from unhappy customers. This standard also requires organizations to devise ways of measuring customer satisfaction to ensure that they are delivering exactly what their clients need.