Tuesday, 26 November 2013

DuPont CEO Reiterates Importance of ISO 14001 for Environmental Management

ISOFocus+ also noted that DuPont experts take part in at least 10 ISO technical committees that are developing standards for agricultural machinery, fire safety, and nanotechnology. Kullman then pointed out that such collaborations enable the company to help discover solutions to problems with food and energy demands. The interview only highlighted the usefulness of ISO 14001 as a tool for meeting such goals. This is because it sets the criteria for the development of a company's environmental management system to reduce waste management costs, lower distribution costs, save on consumption of materials, and improve public image. Companies that need assistance with ISO certification for 14001 can approach a registrar like International Standards Authority (ISA) to begin the process.


Monday, 25 November 2013

The Differences Among AS9100, AS9110, and AS9120 Certifications

In turn, AS9110 builds upon AS9100 by adding specific requirements for the maintenance of aircraft for commercial, military, and private use. AS9110 also includes ISO 9001:2000 standards and supplements them with more requirements specific to aerospace. It is a requirement among companies that maintain and repair aerospace vehicles as well as those that manufacture aircraft components with the Federal Aviation Agency’s Parts Manufacturer Approval. Finally, AS9120 adds on to AS9100 with requirements specific and relevant to companies called stockist distributors. These distributors procure materials, parts, and assemblies that are eventually sold in the aerospace industry. These companies acquire AS9120 certification to show their capacity to address chain of availability, control, custody, and traceability of records, to name a few. AS9120 and AS9110 are considered fairly new standards.


Sunday, 24 November 2013

How an ISO 9001 Certification Benefits a Language Services Company

When people see or hear about ISO 9001 certification, they often associate it with a manufacturing facility, an industrial plant, a large-scale product retailer, or a global service provider. However, this global standard can also apply to companies such as American Language Services (ALS), which need such certifications to prove their capacity to serve clients in the medical and legal industries, among others. As recounted in a press release, ALS even acquired their ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certifications from the International Standards Organization for the fourth time in their corporate history. This achievement demonstrates their on-going commitment to providing top-quality services while meeting strict standards that are imposed by the global standards authority. The ISO 9001 certification attests to the company's ability to implement a quality management system for translator evaluations, project management follow-up, client feedback, and external quality evaluation auditing


Saturday, 23 November 2013

AS9100 To Serve More Than Just the Aerospace Industry in the Future

According to a July 7, 2013 article in the El Paso Times, the AS9100 standard will be serving more than just the aerospace industry in the near future. The United States Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce is requiring interested companies to certify for AS9100 or to complete a National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP) audit. Robert Queen of the U.S. Commercial Service explains: One of the primary Advertisement goals for the U.S. Commercial Service is to create markets and find market opportunities for American exporters. Mexico is the largest foreign market for products from Texas and New Mexico. Mexican manufacturers are now producing more sophisticated, valuable products that require advanced manufacturing techniques and higher quality certifications.


Friday, 22 November 2013

ISO 9001 Certification Helps Prevent Recall and Establish Public Trust

Aside from increasing their safety standards, the company has been improving their quality to adhere to industry regulations, as well. All of their factories are now required to have ISO certification 9001 for quality management, and all of their laboratories now have ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for laboratory competence. These certifications made a significant impact on enhancing product compliance protocols, thereby reducing the possibility of a recall. They observe compliance measures in each step of the production process to avoid excess lead content upon molding, loose magnets upon completion, or any other issue that may affect the finished quality of the end product. Although obtaining an ISO 9001 certification is only a part of Mattel’s overall success, meeting ISO standards has helped the company overcome its setbacks and establish trust with the global marketplace.


Sunday, 3 November 2013

ISO Registration Improvements Seek to Address Various Shortcomings

"Having made the decision to revise ISO 9001, SC 2 began laying the foundation for the work ahead. This kind of revision project generally takes several years. A working group (WG 24) was established, requests went out to nominate experts to participate, and the new work item proposal was developed. Robitaille points out that the revised standards will be available by 2015. Revision has always been part of standard development since the advent of ISO 9001 in 1987, though at any rate, the current set of standards is mainly what many certifying bodies still follow. Given that certain areas that arise out of technological and economic progress may not be fully covered, the revision may address some much-needed ISO registration improvements."


Saturday, 2 November 2013

Streamline Business Operations via the ISO 9001 Certification Process

"Before taking on any standardization or ISO 9001 certification process, it is crucial to understand how it all works. For instance, one does not go directly to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to be certified; rather, companies need to go through certifying bodies or registrars that are authorized to perform the relevant assessments. Aside from complying with the various documentary requirements, companies also need to undergo pre-assessment and auditing procedures to address areas of weakness and thereby ensure conformance to global standards. ISO certification requires periodic audits of a company's facilities to monitor compliance with ISO standards. Management reviews outcomes from the examinations and implements corrective actions to maintain alignment with the standards."


Friday, 1 November 2013

Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification Far Outweigh Initial Challenges

"The slower rate of increase among North American companies that are getting ISO-certified is attributed to the economic slowdown that hit the USA in 2007 and 2008, which had a negative impact on the profitability of the manufacturing sector. Another factor cited is the bureaucracy within companies that leads to confusion about who should monitor ISO 14001 programs. Many companies also fear that when the program moves to “compliance” from its current “conformance” standard, it would be more difficult to acquire the certification, and even more difficult to maintain it. However, industry insiders are in agreement that ISO 14001 certifications remain important in any industry. As Lewis' report indicates, major corporations like Toyota, 3M, and Ford work only with companies who are ISO 14001 certified. In addition, the certification is one of the ways a business can express its commitment to environmental sustainability practices."
