For manufacturing industries, it is important that one get an ISO 9001 certification, to reassure clients that your merchandise are high quality, safe to use, and eco-friendly. Aside from that, being ISO 9001-certified means that the business adheres to international industry standards and regulations in terms of production process. To keep it from getting outdated, the ISO 9001 certification standard needs to be revised every five years. Right now, the committee for the draft of revisions has already been selected, though the finished provisions are not expected until late 2015. Though it may seem bad for those who just got ISO 9001:2008-certified, worry not. Following the release of the new provisions, a transition period of two years follows for those migrating to the new standard, giving companies ample time to get certified by reputable entities like the International Standards Authority, Inc. So don't be left behind. With the continuous surge of technology, it pays to be, 19 August 2013
Sunday, 18 August 2013
ISO 14001 Updates & Revisions and a Clean Reputation
It seems that the ISO 14001 standard will undergo further revisions and updates, among which are the provisions for management of natural resources and how procedures will adapt to climate change. While the committee draft was created last April, the new standard is not expected to take effect until 2015. For now, ISO will still follow the ISO 14001:2004 standard in systems for waste management, pollution prevention, and energy consumption efficiency. Those who present policies that cover these can be ISO 14001-certified. To do so, you'll have to get certification services from entities like the International Standards Authority, Inc. Unlike other standards, ISO 14001 isn’t limited to industries or organizations. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages individual communities to meet the standards, not only to improve their reputation, but also to do their part to help the environment. After all, when it comes to protecting the environment, everyone needs to do their par, 17 August 2013
Patience in exchange for Progress: Getting an AS9120 certificate and other Certifications
The aerospace and aviation manufacturing may soon become more competitive, as machining companies like California Precision Machining and PEMMCO Manufacturing are looking to get into the business of aeronautics. Said companies are reported to be pursuing certificates that will allow them to supply airplane parts locally and internationally. As they are manufacturers and suppliers, they are registering for both AS9100C and ISO 9001:2008 certificates, and an AS9120 certificate to be able to distribute them. While some may say that getting all these certificates is a hassle and can hinder company progress, it is simply not the case. In fact, it will even help do so in terms of company reputation, as well as making sure that said company will not stray from international standards, as these certificates need to be renewed, meaning they will undergo assessment every few years to make sure everything is in top shape. A bit of patience goes a long way in securing your company's best intere, 16 August 2013
The Importance of ISO Registration for Manufacturers aiming for Multiple Markets
The American Industrial Systems Inc. (AIS) is now an authorized supplier and manufacturer of rugged military displays as a result of an ISO 9001:2008 certification as of July 2013. They now produce military grade rugged displays for use of military and private industry clients. Though there are only a handful of manufacturers certified by the military to produce their equipment, the amount of them that also hold ISO 9001 certifications are even fewer. And to be able to cater to private companies, they have to renew their ISO registration every few years to make sure that they are up to date with standards and regulations. Companies who cater to multiple industries will need to approach a reputable ISO 9001 registrar like International Standards Authority Inc., to renew old certificates and such. Only with the 9001:2008 will a company be recognized for compliance, which is a necessary requirement in the industry. Simply put; no certification, no business. It's that plain and s, 15 August 2013
New Mexico offers ISO 9001 Certification Classes for Aspiring Companies
It seems that New Mexico is offering ISO 9001 certification classes. Spearheaded by the New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD), in cooperation with the Mexico Manufacturing Extension. The program, dubbed “New Mexico 9000”, aims to help companies to meet the certification standards to be able to compete with other certified companies. The ISO certification is a universally recognized mark, and many professional organizations worldwide honor it. Being ISO certified involves third party certification bodies, such as the International Standards Authority Inc. These groups send auditors to assess aspiring companies if the company pass ISO standards. Once the standards have been sufficiently met, only then will the certification body deem it fit to be certified. New Mexico’s classes help companies identify elements that need changing so they can meet the strict requirements. It may seem hard to pass, but once earned, a company will be well-respected by clients and competitors al, 14 August 2013
Airlines are keeping your passengers safe by getting an AS9100 certification
An Associated Press report published by the Huffington Post indicates that more passengers are likely to survive plane crashes these days than in the past. This was made evident by the recent Asiana Airline's Flight 214 that crashed last July. Despite being almost destroyed, there were minimal injuries and only two deaths out of the 307 passengers. These would have been worse if it happened decades ago, where aerospace safety regulations such as AS9100 certification had not yet been introduced. An AS9100 certification is proof that airline companies uphold the best standards in all aspects of the business. This includes passenger service, airplane maintenance, security and safety, as well as work efficiency and better operations management. It paved the way for improvements in cockpit technology to change the nature and severity of airplane crashes. Issued by the International Standards Authority, Inc. or ISA, it ensures the highest quality of safety and performance to better serve